Amy Jean's Blog

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Another two months has gone by and I’m finally updating this website. I can’t say much excitement has happened to report on until yesterday. Actually, until this week. First of all, the real estate business is taking off so I asked my boss at Childcare to reduce my hours. Keep in mind that I’m officially “part-time, on call” so this should not have been a problem. Well, she really does not seem to want this to be a long-term thing. In fact she was hoping I would give up my real estate business that I’ve spent a year pouring over state exams and several thousand of dollars into making happen. I informed her there was no way I was giving that up, and if anything it would be my job at Childcare since it’s a filler job anyway. I think she finally understands where my devotion lies. And actually, to tell you the truth, I wouldn’t be so opposed to leaving Childcare right now. My reasons are too long for this one blog right now, but perhaps another time. Don’t get me wrong, I really like my job still, but life is getting crazy again. Last night the kids were taken away from my sister because she was doing drugs again with the kids in the house. Ernest and I are attempting to clear out the computer room so we can have the kids here while she’s gone to drug rehab again. We’ll see how that works! We will be acting-parents. I’m sure more blogs are to come as this episode continues…