Amy Jean's Blog

Sunday, June 03, 2007

I once again have gone a long time without visiting my blog. However if you knew how crazy life was for me you'd be sympathetic. Let's start here:
My job at Childcare has become quite stressful but rewarding at the same time. However I find myself hearing God's call to another season in life and am winding myself down at this organization. I plan to give my notice tomorrow (or this week sometime) and agree to stay until a new person trained. I now understand that God called me there for a short time to organize the position and bring sanity to it. I will leave with a feeling of accomplishment. And to think all that I brought to that position is a result of what I learned at Olympic. Scary, yet true ;o)
Real estate business has not picked up much, but the demands of the business I do have are quite overwhelming at this point (not only because of working two jobs, but because of the below as well). I have a house listed in Ferndale that just isn't moving at all. Hopefully soon???
Sierra and Sebastian (niece and nephew) have come to live with us for the forseeable future. My sister is heavily on drugs and desperately needs prayer support to get her back to sanity again. Being instant parents to someone else's children is so very stressful. I just hope we are making some impact in their lives.
And with so much going on, our marriage is okay but not great. I suppose that happens when children come into the picture. And when I say it isn't great, I mean we don't get very much time to talk during the week or spend time together unless we are fortunate enough to have an evening when the kids go to bed early.

With all that said, your prayer support is very much appreciated. Also advise on marriage with kids and raising kids. Email me if you have any.


Blogger e said...

hello friend! so i obviously don't have any parenting / marriage advice for you, but i think it's amazing that you've turned your lives around for your niece and nephew. that's a huge undertaking / sacrifice and, well, you're just amazing really. and i have no doubt that you guys will figure out how to balance work / marriage / kids etc. it'll come in time ...

11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Amy,
You and Ernest are doing a wonderful thing by taking care of your sister's children. Usually a couple starts out with a child who cannot move much and they gradually get used to things as their baby grows. You two are starting with walking, talking kids. I would suggest that if possible, you structure the bedtimes for the two kids to be early enough that you and Ernest get time each night to be alone so that you can review how things are going and reconnect with each other. You are in a very challenging situation. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Aunt Jean

12:52 PM  

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