Amy Jean's Blog

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The verdict is in: I got the job! Here is how it came about:

I was leaving the Family Christian Store and decided to avoid busy Meridian Street by driving in the back past some warehouse buildings and office buildings. I noticed a sign on a corner office that read "Childcare Worldwide". That name sounded so familiar but I couldn't place it. So I thought to look it up online later. Only I forgot to look it up until two days later. I was searching on for a networking job for Ernest when I came across a part time administrative assistant position with Childcare. I checked out their website and found they do the same kind of work that World Vision does (and I love the ministry World Vision does!). I started to get very excited that something like this existed in Bellingham. To think I could be a part in helping orphans and hungry children around the world! I pulled my resume together, wrote a cover letter (took only 1/2 an hour versus the many hours it usually takes me) and sent it off. All this couldn't be a coinsidence. A few days later I received a call for an interview. I put my very first portfolio together and went for an hour long interview. I came out of it feeling very good and still in awe that God would still direct my life in such a way even after having such a dry spell in our relationship. Yesterday (couple days after interview) I had a message on my phone to call the interviewer back. When I did this morning she offered me the job. I had been praying that God would close the door very obviously or keep it open by me getting the job according to HIS will. I can scarcely believe this is His will. What will happen next??


Blogger e said...

congrats on the job! i got a job there once too, but i turned it down. didn't feel like i really jived with the tone of the office. in hind sight i'm not sure that was the best decision career-wise, but that's the way the cookie crumbles. yum...cookies. maybe i'll make some today ...

4:20 AM  

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