Amy Jean's Blog

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I really have nothing to say, but I'm here anyway typing away. Spent the day at work, frustrated as anything. I'm trying to complete everything that needs it before I leave on Friday for Alaska. Ugh! So much to do and yet only one of me! Everyone wants or needs something. But that's okay. I must remember that I'm doing my best, and that's the best I can do ;o)

After work, I drove to the eye doctor to have him tell me the fate of my right eye. Everytime I put my contact in, it would create a red spot on my eye. The final word: Dry eyes. No joke! Evidentally the contact was sufficating the O2 from my eye. So he gave me a trial pair of a different kind of contact. I told Ernest I'm getting lazer eye surgery next year!

I packed three boxes of stuff today for the trip. Food, misc stuff, and dishes. I hope we aren't packing too much!

We dressed and grabbed our helmets for an evening bike ride. We walked outside and it was raining... same fate as Saturday's bike ride: rained out. And not just any kind of rain: a HUMID rain! The kind you can smell the humidity! Ugh! How frustrating!
Oh well... cheers to a good night sleep!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello Amy & Earnest........Nice blog site
Love from Uncle Dale/Aunt Jean/Evie and Dillon
We are looking forward to seeing you guys @ Mickey Mouse Land.....
Can't wait!

10:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi guys! I am glad you got going. I think you were both just TOOOO tired. I understand. I hope you get lots of rest on your trip.
I understand you friend problem. I was just talking to Pat about it tonight. I think maybe we need to talk to God more as well. Pat and I commented that part has slipped as well.
Mom & Dad Harman

8:52 PM  

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