Grandma and Grandpa Hulse paid for Mom Harman's family (sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, cousins, you name it, they were there) to stay at Disney World in Orlando Florida for 5 days. We flew down there on December 23 and had a very bumpy, long, tiring and not-so-pleasant ride the whole way. 7 hours later we were in Florida, 80 degree heat, and too tired to enjoy the evening. Christmas Eve and Christmas we enjoyed down pours all day and 50-60 degree temps. The next two days we saw highs in the mid 50s, lows in the lower 40s. So much for shorts and capris. At least getting to know the extended family was a success! Breakfast and Dinner were both spent together, all 20 of us. Amazing how different this family is from my own. YOu would never see us all together for that many meals. It was fun, although I have to say seeing those love handles again makes me question whether it was right. Probably shouldn't have eaten quite so much. LUcky I didn't gain 10 pounds over that week!
Ernest and I took the train back across the country... ALONE! It was nice to be able to excape from so many people (crowds were big in Disney World). Our train went from Orlando to WA DC, switching trains we then went from Wa DC to Chicago (rainy and cold there too), and switching trains again from Chicago to Everett. By the time we got to Everett on Jan 2nd, I was so ready to be on solid ground again. For the first while, my body was still swaying back and forth. It's kind of bumpy taking the train!
Jen Foster house-sat for us (thanks Jen!). Everything looked perfect when we were back home, just as we had left it. The cats were happy, plants were still alive, and I needed a vacation to recover from the vacation!
December 15th was my last day at Olympic so when I got back from vacation, I didn't have a steady job to come back to. Poor Ernest though. I was not ready for the stress that awaited him at work. I've been working at the real estate office most days, except today. Today I waited for the fireplace fixer dude to come and fix my fireplace. The pilot light has been blowing out often for over a year. By the time he was done and I had finished reading my book, it was about 1pm. The wind chill outside was about 10 degrees, there was ice all over the parking lot, and Ernest had drove our truck to work while I had my little putt-putt to drive. Didn't sound too appealing to me, although I know I should have gone to work. What we should do and what we do tend to be two different things most of hte time. So I stayed at home reading, working, preparing a music theory lesson for piano lessons, etc.
Winter... I kind of like it. I guess I'll have to venture out in it tomorrow. Lucky me ;oP
Labels: Has it really been THAT long??
yay! it's good to see you posting again! you've been absent way too long. oh and i did get your christmas card ... thanks for sending it all the way out here!
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