Amy Jean's Blog

Sunday, August 06, 2006

This weekend was nice and eventful. Saturday we did some chores, I went to the eye doctor (having contact problems again), and then we rode our bikes down to the park and met Amy and Joel for lunch. It was very good to see them and catch up on life. We all walked around Zuanich park until we had to leave for other stuff. I forgot sunscreen and burned to a crisp! My skin was as red as a barn. I had forgotten how uncomfortable sunburns are. My skin is so very tight and it hurt. But it was my own fault.

Ernest and I took a nice drive down to LaConnor that evening. We took the motorcycle since we hadn't driven it for quite a while. I bought a new helmet last Wednesday so I was excited to wear it!

Sunday we went to church (it felt so nice to be in fellowship with our congregation again!) and drove out to the Harman's place. We had a nice lunch out there and then headed to small group. It was a nice big gathering with baptisms and everything. We didn't end up going home until around 8pm (we stopped at my parent's house first so I could grab the Sunday paper). I took a peak at the classifieds and found a real estate office job that I started thinking about applying for. It would give me some experience and prepare me for being an agent. However I usually decide not to apply for these jobs after really thinking about it. Do I really want to decrease my pay? What if I dislike it more than my current job? What if I really fail at it? After the deadline comes and goes I kick myself thinking I should have at least applied. Then I find another job I want to apply for and the cycle starts all over again. So I have a solution to this dilemma finally: I'm applying internally. I am so ready for a change that I'm going to try another department. I know I'll have someone trying to talk me out of it, but I can't keep doing what I'm doing. I've gotten to the point that I just don't care anymore about my work. That's a dangerous place to be for the company and department's sakes.

I wish I could sleep tonight. I hate having this much stuff weighting so heavily on my head. It prevents me from sleeping at night. It's now almost midnight and here I am. Oh, to have peace and contentment again!


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