Amy Jean's Blog

Friday, July 14, 2006

After a frantic night of packing and going over lists, we were all packed and ready to go by 11:30pm on Thursday night. Friday morning at 5:45am the alarm woke us. We packed the cooler and headed to work for our last 8 hours before a 2.5 week vacation.

By noon, the day seemed to crawl for Amy. At that point productivity ceased. When 3:30 finally rolled around, Amy was out the door with the “good-byes” and “have fun”’s at her back. By 3:35pm we were on the road. Amy had a headache and was drinking water as fast as she could (her headaches come from dehydration). We made it through the Sumas/Huntingdon border crossing with only 5 minute wait. Peacharch was a 90 minute wait!

We stopped at a rest area to bring the snacks to the front: beef jerky and a snack bag of cheetos (so healthy *sarcasm*). As we drove through the Frasier Canyon, Amy’s headache continued and motion sickness formed. She fell asleep for some time. Somewhere near the end of the canyon (east of Lytton) we stopped at a rest area and popped a couple Tylenol. Ernest had also developed a headache.

When we reached Cache Creek, we stopped at a Dairy Queen for a blizzard and some dinner. To our surprise their Blizzard flavors only consisted of 5 flavors! What do you do in a situation where you don’t like most of the flavors? Choose Oreo. So that’s what we did. An hour after we ate our dessert, we ate our dinner.

At 9pm we reached 100 Mile House and pulled into a Super 8 Motel. Surprisingly enough, it was the nicest motel/hotel in the town! We reserved the very last room (handicapped even, with the big bathroom). A minute after we had pulled in, another family pulled in to find we had reserved the last room. Funny how that works.

Tomorrow we will drive 500 miles to Dawson Creek where we’ll camp and explore Mile 0 of the Alaska Highway. Sunday we’ll drive about 400 miles to Laird Hot Springs or Muncho (or Mucho??) Lake where we’ll also camp. Monday night we’ll be staying in a hotel near Hanes Junction. That’s when we’ll be updating you on Saturday through Monday’s fun and hopefully download some pictures into the photo album (link is on the left side of this entry).

Pat—we have a few train pictures in the video camera we took in the Canyon for you.

If anyone sees Linda, please let her know the hand held vacuum is in the laundry room on the wall above the dryer. Just in case she needs it.
Have a wonderful weekend ya’ll!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi! Sounds like a rough start to the trip. I guess the blizzard did the trick of ridding both of you of your headaches. I have never used a blog like this before. Hope my message gets through.

Aunt Jean

12:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I left you a message on you last page!

8:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Amy and Ernest,

I just had to tell you that Mike and I use to stop at Chevron to pick up all our travel munchies. A trip just seems a whole lot more fun when you are sipping Coke out of a licorice straw, and munching on Cheetos and pepperoni sticks!

You guys are certainly making miles! How did you like the hot springs? Did you jump in? Is it the hot springs where you have to walk about a mile on a boardwalk to get to the main pool?

Anyway, I hope you are enjoying your vacation and I'm looking forward to seeing your pictures.


9:18 AM  
Blogger Amy Jean said...

Hey Amy B!

The hot springs were great... minus the mesquitoes of course ;o) Had never done anythign like that before. We'll have to do dinner sometime when we get back and share our stories and pictures!
Amy jean

11:20 PM  

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