Today Ernest and I went back to work. I can't say that either of us was thrilled with it, but our jobs paid for us to go on the Great Alaska Getaway. We are already planning for another trip in the near future. The question is: when? I guess we'll come back to that some other time.
It took me until 2pm (starting at 7am) to get through all my work emails. Then I had a meeting with my super and manager. I found out some good things happened while I was gone, and some bad things happened while I was gone. Starting next week we find ourselves (the department) in another overtime challenge. Yes, that means that I'll be working much overtime for the next month. So I"ll be puting in 10 extra hours a week. And although that seems like quite a bit, there are others putting in more time than that, so I have to say, hats off to them! I don't have the desire or will to do anything more. So pray that I won't go absolutely mad during this time.
Other than that, nothing else really happened today. More of the same stress as usual. It's never ending at that place. I think I feel it more as I go higher up in the chain of command. They posted another supervisor position at work in my department. I've had several ask me if I'm goign to apply. The truth is, I wouldn't know how to supervise half a department even if I wanted to. I have no leadership training, and I feel like there is so much more I could be doing as a lead that I just can't seem to get done. Ever feel frustrated and down-right inadequete at work? I'm feeling all that right now. Frustrated and inadequite. I know what's expected of me and where my team should be, but I find our team spirit keeps sliding backward as we get further and further behind. How could I help supervise a department when I can't seem to help my own team with what they need? I'm still wrestling with this whole idea.
Our cats are excited we are home. When we first got home from Alaska, Sarah was so happy we were home, but Thomas was very weary of us. It took him about 5 minutes to warm up to us again. AFter that, for the whole rest of the day, he followed us everywhere and would not let us out of his sight. We are very happy to be home with them!
Ernest continues to read and study to get his certification in networking. I am hoping once he's done and has a good paying job that it will give me more room to do what I want to do: explore different work avenues and get ready to adopt a child.
Tonight we are going on a bike ride with my new helmet! I'm so excited about that helmet! Erica, when you come home you'll have to hop on the bike with Ernest for a bit. You'll love it!
Anyone ever wonder why you can't retire at age 26?